The protraction of the COVID-19 outbreak requires us to have more rules to ensure the safety of our guests and staff. We adopt an operational protocol and regulations for our excursions that respects ministerial and regional ordinances and guidelines and the operational protocol provided by the technical-scientific committee of AIGAE (Italian Association for Professional Nature and Interpretive Guides). By respecting all these rules, we will be able to enjoy our experiences in contact with nature in peace!
To guarantee a safe workplace for our customers on board:
All staff members on board carried out the serological test for COVID-19 or were vaccinated.
No staff member shows up for work if he/she has even one of the symptoms related to COVID-19: sore throat, flu symptoms, fever, dry cough, cold, muscle pain, loss of sense of taste and smell, difficulty breathing.
When driving during off-road tours and whenever we have to interact with our guests, we will always wear a mask.
We do not approach our guests less than 1 meter away when interacting during our stops, except in cases of absolute necessity or assistance.
We disinfect hands and shoes before getting on the off-road.
We disinfect our hands often and whenever it is necessary to touch common objects and surfaces.
We respect the procedures necessary for sanitizing our vehicles and equipment with extreme care. The sanitization of the off-road equipment will be carried out after each excursion with specific products and using ozonizers (used for the safety of the operators in ambulances). As a gas, ozone disinfects where a normal cleaning does not arrive. At the end of the cycle, the residual ozone comes back to its natural state of oxygen, leaving a healthy environment, safely and with respect to nature.
We are careful and scrupulous in following the regulations in force for the good of all.
To continue enjoying the beauty of the Sardinia, we ask our guests to respect the rules that are now in daily use since the beginning of the COVID-19 emergency and to follow the instructions provided by the guide on board.
You cannot participate in the excursions if:
- You have symptoms such as widespread pain, fever, cold, dry cough, sore throat, shortness of breath and loss of taste and smell.
- You have had contact with people with Covid-19 in the 10 days preceding the excursion.
- You do not have all the personal protective equipment (PPE) required by the regulation that will be sent to you at the time of booking.
You are welcome on board if:
- You have read and signed the participation request form and the regulations that we will send you when booking via email;
- You have all the personal protective equipment (PPE) required:
2 Masks with CE mark (NO DO IT YOURSELF);
Disinfectant gel (NO DO IT YOURSELF);
- Always keep the minimum safety distance of 1 meter from the other participants, wearing the mask.
- Follow the indications of the guide at all times.
- Use the mask correctly throughout your stay on board.
- You sanitize your hands often.
- Do not offer/pass food, drinks, personal items to other participants.
- Avoid group photos.
If after the excursion (up to 14 days later) you experience symptoms associated with Covid-19 and, after analysis, find that you are positive for Covid-19, you MUST NOTICE the guide who will take care, in respect of privacy, to alert all other participants. This is a gesture of the highest civic sense, fundamental to limit further infections.
Photos: birds practising with social distancing
L'impresa è stata agevolata grazie all’avviso "promuovidea finanziamento nuova impresa" realizzato con il contributo del POR FSE 2007/2013 - Regione Sardegna - Asse II Occupabilità linee di attività e.1.2 ed e.3.1.
C.F. - P.IVA 02775040906